Hiking and trails

West trail - Sovata
This alley has the role of linking the Ursu Lake with the newly created tourist area in the north of the city,to the west of the protected area. The alley starts from the shores of Ursu Lake, climbs forested hills to the limit of the protected area, where it intersects with the forest road leading to Lake Tineretului. He climbs steep slopes, passes a condominium to the Green and Red lakes, crosses the valleys created in the salt mountain and at the end of the ridge reaches a spot with a view of the western valley and the northern part of the city. The end of the route is marked by a belvedere building.
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Eco-educational salt trail - Sovata
This route was created to present the specific values of the lakes and the mountains of salt, of the habitats in the wet environment.
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Walkway of Red and Green Lakes - Sovata
The alley starts from the shore of Lake Ursu, follows the line of the arranged shore of the two lakes and ends at the resting place arranged at the foot of the Salt Mountain. The lakes are not directly accesibble, and to prevent the direct access of tourists to the salt mountain, there is a railing made of oak pillars.The therapeutic sludge of the Red and Green lakes being exploited in the period 1981-1986, at the end of this period the lakes entered the state of "conservation for regeneration" (in force until otherwise indicated by the National Agency for Mineral Resources).As the ban on bathing / extracting the sludge was not respected by the visiting public, a protective fence was placed around the lakes.
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Bear Lake walkway - Sovata
Ursu Lake is the most valuable element within the protected natural area, and the tourist attraction number one in Sovata. The alley arranged around it has a length of 1,085 m. In order to create facilities for the tourists who cross it, a series of facilities and constructions have been proposed to provide comfort and new places of attraction. One end of this alley is located southeast of the lake, in the vicinity of the park in the center of the resort. The other is at the eastern foot of the lake and access to the pool. Along the main path around Ursu Lake there are 8 nodal points with different functions: resting places, information point, public sanitary group. Points 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8 are simple layouts with a circulation platform and sitting benches. Point 1 is the main access point on the shores of the lake.Point 4 opens the view to the lake and resort and starts the eco-didactic route of the Salt Lake and the western alley. Point 7 is the southern end of the Tivoli alley. Point 3 is a special place, an area stretching between the lakes of Ursu and Aluniş. The facilities in this place are: information point building, protected area management sites, resting places, and more. Point 5 is the access point to the Green and Red lakes and Paraschiva Lake, where a covered resting place is arranged here.
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Eco-educational walkway - Sovata
This route starts from the shores of Ursu Lake, surrounds Paraschiva Lake, passes through the meadow and the valleys of the deciduous forest, and returns to Ursu Lake on the western bank of the Tivoli Stream. Line of the eco-didactic route, the path itself is not built. Due to rugged relief in places with difficulty in walking, there are elements that help to cross and observe the place (railing with ladder, rest points, roofed belvedere, forest school).
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Tourist alley Tivoli - Sovata
The Tivoli Tourist Alley (area I) has an approximate length of 330 m. Starting from the shores of Ursu Lake, climbs a first steep sloping section, after which it is branched into a Y shape and reaches two different routes to the asphalt road. The eastern arm passes through a bridge with a special architecture over the existing dam and through the steps it reaches the road, where it turns on a road along the road to the south. The northern arm passes through the small bridge over a ravine, climbs steadily through the stairs and reaches an eastern slope, which passes almost horizontally. The alley reaches the road and continues along the opposite side of the street. The Tivoli Tourist Alley (area II) with a length of approx. 255 m starts in front of Tivoli Pension,and it heads northwards on the eastern side of the road to Tineretului Lake, being arranged as a footpath type.
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Via Mariae Pilgrimage Road
Via Mariae is a pilgrimage route for all denominations and tourists, linking the holy places dedicated to the Blessed Virgin in Central Europe and the cultural sights along the route. The Virgin Mary Trail crosses the eastern half of Europe, connecting on the direction West-East the towns of Mariazell, Máriapócs, Nicula and Șumuleu-Ciuc, and on the direction North-South the towns of Czestochowa, Budapest and Medjugorje, marking a cross on the map of Central Europe, where the cult of Our Lady has become a centuries-old tradition. The Mariazell-Șumuleu Ciuc route is 1400 km long and can be covered in 60 days on foot. The segment that runs over Mureș county is 100 km long, linking Sărmașu, Mădăraș, Târgu Mureș, Sângeorgiu de Mureș, Valea and Sărățeni and can be covered in 4 days. The route is managed and maintained by the Transylvanian Carpathian Association from Târgu Mureș.
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