Date: April 20, 2024, 7:00 PM
The performance is free of charge! We welcome your donations, which will support the sporadic programs of Bekecs Dance Theater!
folk dance theater performance with the participation of the Youth Bekecs Folk Dance Ensemble -
The pure source deep in the forest not only signifies the emergence of water but has also acquired a metaphorical meaning: today it is synonymous with unspoiled, unadulterated, traditional folk culture. Rivers not only separate but also connect the peoples living on their banks, providing opportunities for common dance events and celebrations. Each people sings in its own language about the refreshing effects of water on body and soul.
The series of dances in the performance, starting from the common source, follows the valuable traces of dance culture preserved by the nationalities living in Transylvania for centuries. The development of dances from the distant past, through the increasingly expanding medieval and modern dance forms, occurred in parallel with the development of vocal and instrumental music. The persistent pulse of the opening image evokes the drumming of ancient shamans, and in the following scenes, we progress from vocal accompanied dances to simpler instrumental setups - violin, gardon - to ensemble setups accompanied by string instruments and cimbalom. From the oldest dance forms, the circle and chain dances, we follow the course of the river, which soon turns towards vocal accompanied girl dances and Gypsy dances, then through the paired procession dances known from the late Middle Ages, to increasingly virtuosic individual, solo male dances leading to modern paired dances. Thus, we can see: spinning from Orkoi, "bufázás," vocal ring dances, Gyimes couple walking and crying, Bukovina silladrit, Mezőméhes sireag and de-a lungu, Pacalău haidau, Mezőség rare fogásolás, rare tempo, rare Hungarian dance, Bálványoscsaba csárdás, Enyed area dotting, Szekler invirtita and fecioreascat, Orkoi romanyos, Marosszék spinning.
The closing image presents an overview of the most characteristic dances of the nationalities living in Transylvania.
Director: Orza Călin
The performance is free of charge! We welcome your donations, which will support the sporadic programs of Bekecs Dance Theater!
folk dance theater performance with the participation of the Youth Bekecs Folk Dance Ensemble -
The pure source deep in the forest not only signifies the emergence of water but has also acquired a metaphorical meaning: today it is synonymous with unspoiled, unadulterated, traditional folk culture. Rivers not only separate but also connect the peoples living on their banks, providing opportunities for common dance events and celebrations. Each people sings in its own language about the refreshing effects of water on body and soul.
The series of dances in the performance, starting from the common source, follows the valuable traces of dance culture preserved by the nationalities living in Transylvania for centuries. The development of dances from the distant past, through the increasingly expanding medieval and modern dance forms, occurred in parallel with the development of vocal and instrumental music. The persistent pulse of the opening image evokes the drumming of ancient shamans, and in the following scenes, we progress from vocal accompanied dances to simpler instrumental setups - violin, gardon - to ensemble setups accompanied by string instruments and cimbalom. From the oldest dance forms, the circle and chain dances, we follow the course of the river, which soon turns towards vocal accompanied girl dances and Gypsy dances, then through the paired procession dances known from the late Middle Ages, to increasingly virtuosic individual, solo male dances leading to modern paired dances. Thus, we can see: spinning from Orkoi, "bufázás," vocal ring dances, Gyimes couple walking and crying, Bukovina silladrit, Mezőméhes sireag and de-a lungu, Pacalău haidau, Mezőség rare fogásolás, rare tempo, rare Hungarian dance, Bálványoscsaba csárdás, Enyed area dotting, Szekler invirtita and fecioreascat, Orkoi romanyos, Marosszék spinning.
The closing image presents an overview of the most characteristic dances of the nationalities living in Transylvania.
Director: Orza Călin