Teleki Castle - Gornești

Was built in Grassalkowich style, according to the Mayerhoffer architect's plans between 1771-1778, on the site of a former medieval fortress, on the order of the new owner, Mihai Teleki. Its 52 rooms and 365 windows, symbolizing the weeks and days of the year, are the charm of the castle. The castle plan is U-shaped with a high central dome above the main reception room. 

The decoration of the facades is simple, except for the central pavilion, which is decorated with pillars with ionic caps and arch windows with rococo ornaments, with another oval-shaped window above each. The most beautiful part of the castle is the upper floor salon, where the original wall cladding, two Rococo white porcelain stoves and three chandeliers were preserved. 

The castle park was inspired by the French at first, in order to turn it into an inspired one from the English culture from the 19th century. In the castlepark  
11 statues were added, that are divided into two categories: 7 sculptures representing deities of Antiquity, 4 representing satirized human types from french history. 

In 1949 the ensemble was nationalized, and in 1956, after a tuberculosis epidemic, it was turned into a TBC Preventorium for children. The castle was retroceded in 2006, but only came into possession of the Teleki family in 2011 and was introduced into the tourist circuit.

The castle is temporarily closed for restauration.

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