Kornis-Rákóczi-Bethlen Castle - Iernut
In the 14th-16th centuries, on the site of the current castle in Iernut was the mansion and later a fortress of the Bogati family.
The amplification of the castle, designed and initiated by Simion Pecsi, Chancellor of Prince Gabriel Bethlen, was carried out between 1626 and 1629 by the prince. Its Italian architect, Giacomo Resti da Verna, has integrated the existing buildings into a larger project with four corner bastions. The construction was completed between 1649-1656, during the reign of George Rakoczi II.
After the fall of the principality, the castle was returned to Count Chancellor Gabriel Bethlen in 1758, but was lost in a card game gamble by an unworthy descendant in 1885.
The castle and the area were transformed by the Roman Catholic Status from Transylvania into an agricultural school. A high school with this profile functioned in the building and in the decades after the nationalization of ecclesiastical assets.
Source: Kovács András: Iernut - Castle. Ed. Kriterion, Cluj-Napoca, 2013.