Yellow Rose - Reghin


21 february 2024
 "The Yellow Rose" is Jókai Mór's 1892 pastoral novel, meticulously detailing the natural and cultural world of Hortobágy with almost the precision of an ethnologist. In the dance performance, choreographer-director Árpád Könczei adapted the dramatic story of this novel inspired by the peasant world with the Maros Art Ensemble.
 The love triangle among two childhood friends, Sándor Decsi and Ferkó Lacza, and Sándor's love, Klári, is well-known in literature. However, what makes it special is how the temperament and values of the Hortobágy start to govern the conflict. Jókai almost attributes natural qualities to the characters in the novel: Sándor is passionate and determined, like horses; Ferkó is cautious and disciplined, like a bull; Klári is rare and peculiar, like the yellow rose.
The basic mood of the performance is determined by the silence of the shepherd's solitude, tensions in the shepherd-man, words expressed heavily from silence, and the character-forming relationship between man and the surrounding nature. The creators of the performance were inspired precisely by these symbolic, reminiscent of Greek dramas. Thus, the performance titled "The Yellow Rose" is the fluctuation of these ancient stories, reports, and forces. And what could be a better carrier of this fluctuation than the folk songs, folk dances, and traditional costumes of Hortobágy? The threads of the love tragedy unfold before our eyes, and everything is resolved in its own order – just as we know it in life.

Dramaturge – Györfi Kata
Musical arrangement – Árpád Könczei
Costume design – Margit Soós, Zsuzsa Szász, Andrea Szélyes
Dance instructor – Tamás Majer
Dance instructor, director's assistant – Villő Könczei
Set designer – Csilla Csiszér
Director-choreographer – Árpád Könczei, Harangozó Prize winner
Dance leaders – Sándor-Csaba Farkas, Magda Kásler
Music director – István Moldován Horváth
Director – Attila-Csaba Barabási

Advance reservation is required: at +40 757 109 450 or +40 740 515 617.

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