The Oresteia (RO)


The Oresteia, is a new and exhilarating adaptation of the Greek tragedy, in which a revelatory work has been done on Aeschylus' epic trilogy of revenge (the only ancient trilogy still complete 2500 years after its writing) while keeping the essence of the tragedies intact - presenting the fall of the House of Atreas. It is a theatrical creation that rearranges our understanding of mythic characters and the stories conveyed through them, offering a ruthless lesson in ambivalence. Paradoxically, an action can be both 'good' and 'evil', with good and evil just a hair's breadth apart, and choosing the lesser evil is a human dilemma we have faced since ancient times. In fact, we can see that some aspects of human nature have not changed even in 2500 years, and many of the inner questions from that time have still not been answered.
It is a vivid and vital, highly topical specatcle, talking as much about crime and trauma as it does about justice, religion, the nature of stories and our need to keep retelling and repeating them, individual life versus the general good, the inevitable consequences of foreign wars and violence but also the many different accounts of the same story - all with black humour sprinkled in. The two-hour show takes you through a multitude of moods, providing a focused and thrilling experience for any viewer, whether you are familiar with the stories or not.

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