Snow Queen


Recommended for ages 5 and above

Éva Halmágyi
Dániel Szabó
Rozália Máthé
Katalin Gönczy
Ágnes Gáll
Dezső Bonczidai
Tímea Nagy
Péter Cseke

Dramaturge: Márk Oltean
Choreographer: Eszter Bíró
Designers: Anna Zorka Maróthy and Viola Lengyel
Design Assistant: Erika Iszlai
Composer: Hanna Cseri

Director: RITA BARTAL KISS, recipient of the Blattner Géza Award

The story of Gerda and Kay unfolds as a fabulous tale of loyalty, weaving subtle mysteries into its plot, symbols, and conveying a lesson about the indomitable power and strength of the heart and kindness. The Snow Queen can enchant with her "sparkle magic," enthralling the little boy into the cold spell of reason and intelligence, but his faithful companion alone, barefoot, bravely faces every danger and obstacle to save and reclaim him.
According to the laws of the fairy tale, Gerda always has helpers: a kind-hearted pair of crows, a noble king and princess, a robber girl, a flying reindeer with magical abilities, and a wise old lady. When the girl reaches the cold palace chamber of the Snow Queen, she can only break the icy shackles on the boy's heart with the hot power of his tears.
This colorful, intricate tale, crafted with the simplicity of naivety, belongs among Andersen's most beautiful writings.

Starting: 9:30 and 11:00

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