Disquiet (RO)


at the Small Hall

The show is nominated for the UNITER Awards 2024 in the following categories: Best Lighting Design (Cristian Niculescu) and Best Set Design (Velica Panduru).

After Rebekka Kricheldorf's "Villa Dolorosa", staged at Sala Mare in 2020, was nominated for the UNITER Award for Best Performance, the renowned director Theodor-Cristian Popescu returns to the National Theatre Târgu-Mureș - Liviu Rebreanu Company with a new production, this time programmed at Sala Mică. The play "Neliniște" by Ivan Vîrîpaev will benefit from the always fresh and unconventional vision with which Theodor-Cristian Popescu has accustomed his audience.
A complex playwright who is involved in the social and psychological depths of contemporary man, Ivan Vîrîîpaev proposes a very topical story, in which we will find echoes of the latest news, but also those of more distant historical events, which the passage of time has only succeeded in sharpening.

The show is recommended for people over 14.

The performance will take place on Friday 24 May at 17.00 in the Small Hall.

Tickets can be purchased online at https://teatrunational.biletmaster.ro/.../44004093/Neliniste

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