Citizen Science and Biodiversity – Exhibition


10 april 2024
Citizen Science and Biodiversity – Exhibition

opening event on 10.04.2024, 19:00
hypha_info, str. Târgului / Sáros utca, nr. 13, Târgu Mureş / Marosvásárhely

The plants, fungi, and animals featured in this exhibition are present in our environment, yet their presence often goes unnoticed. The exhibition encourages us to learn about local flora and fauna through interactive games and presents ongoing citizen science projects from Romania that can be joined.
Urbanization, monoculture farming, and the vulnerability of protected natural areas contribute to the extinction of several species each year, all across the globe. A well-functioning ecosystem needs all of its actors, all living organisms - the disappearance of some should function as an alarm to local communities and policymakers, but interpreting these cases as part of a bigger ecological problem can face many obstacles. Our sense of responsibility towards regional species and interest in biodiversity loss can only arise when individuals are aware of the living organisms surrounding them and understand their living conditions.
The distinction between individuals advocating for local biodiversity protection and those concerned about the environment but feeling powerless lies in knowledge and community. Understanding species and their needs enables us to recognize the correlation between human intervention and its impact on them. From this point of view, citizen science projects comprise a huge educational potential as they make scientific problems of nature conservation accessible for all, build community, and activate a sense of collective responsibility.
The exhibition features educational games developed by NECC helping the process of learning species for all ages. The second part of the exhibition presents citizen science projects from Romania run by Milvus Group. The final part offers guiding points for the most interested: applications, websites, and field guides that facilitate individual studying and species identification. The exhibition closes with an invitation: sit down to our microscope and observe the objects at hand from a different perspective.
In the exhibition all materials will be available in English, Romanian and Hungarian.

The event is part of hypha_etc's [education, theory, culture] 2024 Citizen Science program series, run in partnership with NECC (Nature Education Community Center) and Milvus Group. The series of events aims to promote citizen science on nature conservation and biodiversity at a regional level. We support the development of local practices that in the long term will contribute to an active, science-loving Transylvanian community engaged in ecological issues.
hypha_info is the branch of hypha_etc, located in Târgu Mureş. The space connects the main institution from Câmpu Cetăţii to the city, showcasing our ongoing projects — a space for exhibitions, workshops, and talks. Stop by anytime.
hypha_etc [education, theory, culture] is an experimental cultural institute in Câmpu Cetăţii, Mureş county. We develop new models of learning and cooperation with diverse groups of people such as artists, scientific researchers, and educators who value reflection on society and the natural environment.
NECC (Nature Education Community Center) was founded in November 2017 as an initiative of the students of the Faculty of Biology and Geology of the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca and professor Kunigunda Macalik, who runs the interactive playhouse "Wonders of a Thousand Faces of Nature". The initiative aims to raise awareness and popularise science through nature education activities, where “learning by doing” plays an essential role.
Milvus Group is committed to safeguarding our natural heritage. We carry out applied research and conservation work for endangered species, raise awareness and educate people, monitor compliance with nature conservation regulations, and engage in influencing environmental policies.

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