Betrayal (RO)


Great Hall (Studio mode)

One of the oldest and most feared enemies of marriage and erotic relationships in general - infidelity - is the central theme of the play 'Betrayal' by the famous English playwright Harold Pinter, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. Jerry, Emma and Robert form a love triangle in which each loves, betrays and abandons all principles and convictions, giving in to uncontrollable impulses. Against the seemingly idyllic backdrop of fulfilled homes with "successful" families, the failure of three adults unable to manage their friendships, passions and the duplicity that begins to define their lives is projected.
Director Bobi Pricop treats the story in an unconventional key, which brings out new meanings, nuances and rough edges of a fundamental theme for human nature.
"Pinter's play, beyond the fact that it proposes some extremely acute themes, also uses a cool convention - reverse chronology - to break down some emotions, some feelings, some relationships. In a classic type of drama, the tension builds up until it reaches a denouement, or here it's the other way around, we start with the denouement, we're at a point of maximum accumulation of energy, from where we start to deconstruct, to bring out motivations, fears, but also that moment of absolute happiness from which everything came. It's like a kind of creative dissection of lives, the failure of relationships, the shattering of dreams, whose dissolution we see in rewind."
The next performance will take place on Wednesday 22 May at 19.00 in the Sala Mare (it will be performed in studio mode, with the audience on stage).

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