Art and fatal love


5 april 2024
We invite you to another extraordinary event at Pallady. Intimate Diary on Friday, 5 April 2024, from 18.00 at the Small Hall of the Palace of Culture. Our guest is Gergely Barki, art historian and curator from Budapest. Tickets in advance, only on site, at the ticket office of the Palace of Culture (note: Pallady). Maximum 180 seats, single ticket price: 15 lei.
Art and deadly love - Letter diary fragments from the turn of the century
Why is it fascinating to get a glimpse of an artist's diaries and letters? Perhaps mainly because they help us to understand their art, but at the same time it is equally interesting to get to know the human character of the artists, their everyday life, which sometimes turns into a film-like novel or even a drama when reading their writings.
Such is the case of the heartbreaking story of the inseparable painters Sándor Galimberti and Valéria Dénes, which is most clearly revealed not through their paintings or other documents that have survived about them, but through their letters, which follow the most crucial moments of their short lives in an almost diary-like manner.
The audience of this lecture will be the first to get a behind-the-scenes look at a complex philological and art-historical research project that is currently underway and not yet publicised, ahead of the Budapest audience. I therefore ask you to keep what you are about to hear among us until September this year, until the big Galimberti exhibition at the Hungarian National Gallery! 

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