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- Castles, Citadels, Architectural Curiosities
- Kemény Castle - Brâncovenești
Kemény Castle - Brâncovenești
The settlement was owned by the Kemény family for three hundred years. The two-storey building, with bastions at the four corners, received its current shape during the reconstructions between 1537 and 1557, and in 1818 it acquired the late Baroque look, which is reflected faithfully to this day. The building played a significant cultural role in the interwar period. At the initiative of Count János Kemény, in 1926, on the occasion of the founding of the Transylvanian cultural association "Helikon", 28 of the most prominent Hungarian literary figures of the time were invited to the castle. From this moment, for 20 years, the castle became the center of the literary meetings of the Hungarian writers from Transylvania. The park offers the final resting place for former Count János Kemény and writer Albert Wass.
World War II did not cause much damage to the castle, but after the family left the area, the population completely devastated the building, and after 1949 it became a hospice for children with severe mental disabilities.
Since 2014, the castle has once again become the property of the Kemény family, who opened it to the public.
Opening hours (april - october):
Tuesday - Friday 10.00 - 17.00
Saturday - Sunday 9.00 - 18.00
Monday: closed.
Tours are guided and require prior reservation!
Contact: +4 0741 225 141
Address: str. Castelului nr. 215, Brancovenesti
Web: www.marosvecs.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarosvecsiKemenyVarkastely

15 Places
Strada Școlii nr. 9, Reghin
- 0040 265 512 051
Strada Pandurilor Nr. 114, Reghin
- 0040 788 208 890
- https://www.restaurant-casablanca.ro/
Strada Mihai Viteazul nr. 26, Reghin
- 0040 265 521 520
Str. Iernuțeni nr. 158, Reghin
- 0040 740 766 166
- https://www.facebook.com/equinoxeroyal/
Str.Pandurilor nr.117A, Reghin
- 0040 745 894 366
Str. Mihai Viteazul nr. 21, Reghin
- 0755 826 306
- http://bit.ly/2UaBwFuMaia
Str Mihai Viteazul nr. 21, Reghin
- 0755 826 306
Strada Mihai Viteazul nr. 272, Reghin
- 0040 755 338 824
Strada Băii, Reghin 545300
- 0040 751 031 920
- https://www.restaurantulparc.ro/
Strada Mihai Viteazul nr. 66, Reghin
- 0040 741 021 464
Str. Pandurilor nr. 36, Reghin
- 0040 756 261 255
Bulevardul Unirii nr. 57, Reghin
- 0040 746 695 853
- https://www.facebook.com/LaMamamia/
Str. Izvorului nr. 8, Reghin
- 0040 746 598 784
Strada Mihai Viteazul 82, Reghin
- 0756 916 336
Strada Spitalului nr. 11, Reghin
- 0040 742 898 880

Bistro Cocktail
Strada Școlii nr. 9, Reghin
- 0040 265 512 051
Strada Pandurilor Nr. 114, Reghin
- 0040 788 208 890
- https://www.restaurant-casablanca.ro/
Crama Regun
Strada Mihai Viteazul nr. 26, Reghin
- 0040 265 521 520
Equinoxe Royal
Str. Iernuțeni nr. 158, Reghin
- 0040 740 766 166
- https://www.facebook.com/equinoxeroyal/
Izvorul Molnar
Str.Pandurilor nr.117A, Reghin
- 0040 745 894 366
Maia Bistro
Str. Mihai Viteazul nr. 21, Reghin
- 0755 826 306
- http://bit.ly/2UaBwFuMaia
Maya Bistro
Str Mihai Viteazul nr. 21, Reghin
- 0755 826 306
Strada Mihai Viteazul nr. 272, Reghin
- 0040 755 338 824
Strada Băii, Reghin 545300
- 0040 751 031 920
- https://www.restaurantulparc.ro/
Strada Mihai Viteazul nr. 66, Reghin
- 0040 741 021 464
Pizzeria La Taverna
Str. Pandurilor nr. 36, Reghin
- 0040 756 261 255
Pizzeria Mamamia
Bulevardul Unirii nr. 57, Reghin
- 0040 746 695 853
- https://www.facebook.com/LaMamamia/
Pizzeria Martyn
Str. Izvorului nr. 8, Reghin
- 0040 746 598 784
Pizzeria Sevilla
Strada Mihai Viteazul 82, Reghin
- 0756 916 336
Restaurant Black & White
Strada Spitalului nr. 11, Reghin
- 0040 742 898 880

Pub Clasim
Strada Pandurilor 2, Reghin
- 0758 530 604

9 Places
Strada Gării 17, Reghin
- 0751068924
Str Spitalului nr. 9, Reghin
- 0040 742 898 880
Str. Apalinei 12, Reghin
- 0040 265 513 623
Str Mihai Viteazul nr. 28, Reghin
- 0040 744 389 696
Piața Petru Maior nr. 36, Reghin
- 0040 364 140 951
Bdul Unirii bl 57, Reghin
- 0040 754 898 795
Str Mihai Viteazul nr. 21, Reghin
- 0755 826 306
Strada Pandurilor 2, Reghin
- 0758 530 604
Piaţa Petru Maior nr. 20, Reghin
- 0766 493 215

Aroma Carmaco
Strada Gării 17, Reghin
- 0751068924
Black & White
Str Spitalului nr. 9, Reghin
- 0040 742 898 880
Caffe Crinul
Str. Apalinei 12, Reghin
- 0040 265 513 623
Dogma Pubs&Coffee
Str Mihai Viteazul nr. 28, Reghin
- 0040 744 389 696
La Casa
Piața Petru Maior nr. 36, Reghin
- 0040 364 140 951
Bdul Unirii bl 57, Reghin
- 0040 754 898 795
Maya Bistro
Str Mihai Viteazul nr. 21, Reghin
- 0755 826 306
Pub Clasim
Strada Pandurilor 2, Reghin
- 0758 530 604
Times Cafe
Piaţa Petru Maior nr. 20, Reghin
- 0766 493 215

Fast food
2 Places
Piața Petru Maior nr. 42, Reghin
- 0725808971
Strada Pandurilor 19, Reghin
- 0040757 030 639
- http://www.pansab.ro/

Fast food
Gran Pan Dor
Piața Petru Maior nr. 42, Reghin
- 0725808971
Strada Pandurilor 19, Reghin
- 0040757 030 639
- http://www.pansab.ro/

2 Places
Str. Cerbului - Pădurea Rotundă, Reghin
- 0754 921 038
- https://www.hotelmarion.ro/en-gb
str. Pandurilor nr. 115/C, Reghin
- +40 265 512063
- http://www.valearegilor.ro/

Monte Cristo
Str. Cerbului - Pădurea Rotundă, Reghin
- 0754 921 038
- https://www.hotelmarion.ro/en-gb
Valea Regilor - Hotel 3*
str. Pandurilor nr. 115/C, Reghin
- +40 265 512063
- http://www.valearegilor.ro/