Glodeni – Teleki Castle

The Teleki family arrived in Glodeni in the 18th century, where, after the death of the first Teleki of Glodeni, the estate was divided between his two sons. Thus, two castles were built, in two separate courtyards: the lower one and the upper one. The castle that can be seen today is the one in the lower courtyard and was built in 1872 by Count Domokos Teleki. The main facade, reminiscent of neoclassical castles in the Pest area, is supported by six Ionic columns and a tympanum pediment, which is reachable via the former carriage driveway. Above the pediment is perhaps the most valuable sculpture that has survived to this day, the Teleki family crest carved in stone, which can be seen from a distance. The symmetrical, single-storey building consists of two parts and has a central hall. The rooms of the castle have ceilings with plaster ornaments and are currently used as the headquarters of the Assistance and Care Centre for the Disabled.

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