Becheci peak

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The one who climbs the Becheci is awarded with a wonderful panorama and can taste the water of the cool spring of the Bökecs. Mosdókő is an interesting attraction; its hollow covered with moss never dries out.
The Becheci was the scene of battles in the First and Second World War; reason why the comrades erected a monument on the peak of the Körtövés in the memory of the defence soldiers who died a heroic death in the battles from Becheci. Below this place, to the southwest, in the direction of Nyárádselye/Şilea Nirajului, a military cemetery and monument can be found, surrounded with a board fence, related to the same battles. 

The Becheci Mountain forms part of the southern range of the Gurghiu Mountains, it lies in the eastern part of Mureş County. It is bounded in the northwest by the Niraj Valley and in the southeast by the Târnava Mică Valley. Its highest point, the Becheci peak, is 1080 m high. On the Becheci peak the ruins of a fortress could still be seen at the beginning of the 20th century. Near the peak there used to stand a chapel, but this was destroyed in the 18th century. In its memory, through the joint effort of the surrounding settlements, a new, ecumenical chapel was built; it was consecrated to the Holy Cross in October 2011. Its first pilgrimage was held on 5 May in the following year.

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