The Roman Archeological Site of Călugăreni

Autor Visit Mures

The Roman archeological site of Călugăreni is part of the vast defensive system of the Roman Empire known as limes, which played a strategic role in the defence of the Niraj Valley and the province of Dacia. Known since the beginning of the 18th century, it was not until the first archaeological excavations in the 19th century that the exact location of the camp was determined. Excavations revealed that the military unit stationed here was an auxiliary infantry troop, and that there was a command building, baths and civilian dwellings inside the camp. In order to protect and better exploit the archaeological site, the Archaeological Park of Călugăreni was established in 2015, which is managed by the Roman Limes Research Centre of the Mureș County Museum. The park extends over an area of over 5 ha, and in 2016 the TIME BOX exhibition pavilions were set up here, offering visitors the opportunity to familiarise themselves with various aspects of Roman, civil and military everyday life, while presenting relevant information on the archaeological excavations carried out here.

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