The Fortified Church of Băgaciu

In the village of Băgaciu, first documented in 1351, there is a fortress from the 15th century, surrounding a church from 1420. The enclosure wall has three defensive towers and a gate tower, which resisted attacks by Turks, Tartars and Kuruts. Built on the site of an old basilica, the church impresses with its size and ornamentation. Inside, the East and West portals are adorned with valuable sculptures, considered to be among the finest stone works in Transylvania, fragments of the old wall paintings depicting the Apocalypse are still preserved on the North wall, and the choir stalls, executed in 1533 by Johannes Reychmuth, are among the most valuable in Transylvania. In addition to the organ built by the famous Samuel Metz in 1804, the eroded drollery, which seems to protrude from the ceiling and watches over the choir, is also impressive. In the village of Băgaciu you can still admire old houses dating back to 1773.

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