The Reformed Church of Bâra

In Nirajul Mic Valley, in the village of Bâra, a church of important historical value, dedicated to the Holy Cross, stands on the hill of the village. The Reformed church of Bâra was built in 1385, displaying both Gothic and Romanesque elements. According to the Transylvanian ethnographer Balázs Orbán, the church's large bell weighs 15 quintals (1.5 tons) and the most beautiful sound in the whole region. During the restoration works in 2001, murals were found in the nave that was rebuilt in the 18th century and four fragments of runic script were found on the second floor of the tower. The crypt beneath the church was walled in in 1621, and fragments of a true chronicle from the 16th century, with important events in the region, can still be seen on the whitewashed walls of the sanctuary, such as the locust invasion, Queen Izabella's journey, the Transylvanian plague or the fall of the town of Szigetvár in Hungary.

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