Adventure and experiences

Adventure and Experiences

Mini Romania Original Park

Situated on the domain of Hotel Europa Kokeltal, 6 km from Sighișoara, between the villages of Albești and Vânători, Mini Romania Original Park is a theme park that offers the visitor a tour of miniature Romania. The models on display have as a source of inspiration curiosities about Romania, belonging to fields such as technology and innovation, folk art and architecture, ancient and recent history, etc., from the category of MUST-SEE Tourist Attractions.Mini Romania Original Park aims to expand its exposure area considerably in the near future (approx. 2 years), which will reach 3.2 ha and where even models of some natural formations will be exhibited.Most of the exhibits are made of polystyrene, and various techniques of 2D and 3D printing were used for their construction.Visiting hours:Saturday - Sunday: 10.00 - 19.30

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Strange Transylvania

Transylvania always has been a somewhat strange place with its multicultural existence. This trip is in some ways different from the rest of our portfolio. It will take you to places those are strange even for the average Transylvanian. The trip undoubtedly has a historical charge to it, taking you to strangely beautiful part of our country, starting from the magical, medieval city of Sighișoara (Schasburg), a city that is often related to Dracula. Next up you will see old ghost villages abandoned by the Saxons with a dark romantic flare. To sum up all the things seen on the first day you will have a more relaxed second one that is more about relaxing than cycling. We will get a taste of Sovata’s salt lakes as well as good vine and fresh fish in Campu Cetatii (Varmezo). We start off with a cup of coffee at a neat place in the medieval castle of Sighișoara, followed by a short city visit to get a taste of Dracula’s old Transylvania. Next up passing through Bierte hills century old oak forest. Than we dive deep into Transylvanian history, visiting old abandoned Saxon villages like Apold and Daia, then arrive to Saschiz, a village that is a stronghold of old Saxon architecture. This day is all about chillin’ and enjoying what Transylvania has to offer: riding our bikes to Sovata and enjoying a good old swim in one of the many saltwater lakes of the town, finally topping the day of with fresh fish and good vine at the campfire.

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