The Saxons’ Museum - Reghin

Initially it was organised as a temporary exhibition for the 26th meeting of the Saxons in Transylvania, which took place in Reghin. In time, it became a permanent museum that recreates the life of the Saxons from Reghin and its surroundings through folk costumes that are over a hundred years old, various embroideries (tablecloths, traditional wall hangings), objects for domestic use, among which the old irons (called ticlăzaie) stand out, books and church objects. Among the most valuable exhibits in the museum are the New Testament printed in 1842 in German with Gothic letters, and the Old and New Testaments printed in 1859 after the translation of Martin Luther, but also a copy of official documents issued in 1863 by to the emperor Franz Joseph, when Reghin was granted the status of Free Royal Town.  

The museum is organised in the Evangelical Church in the city. Călărașilor street, 1

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