The Evangelical Church Batos

The Evangelical Church in Batoș

Full description

The fortified church in Batoș
The existence of a church in the village can be inferred due to documentation of the payment of papal tributes as early as the first half of the 14th century, and the sanctuary that we can admire today confirms its existence no later than the second half of the same century. By its size, we can interpret the strength of the Batoș community at that time. Regarding the nave, we are not yet certain whether its perimeter remained the same from the Gothic period or underwent more significant changes with the Baroque expansion of the church. There is also a possibility that there may have been a medieval tower in the western area, as the church's design seems to be very similar to that of the church in Reghin. In any case, we know for sure that the last major modification to the church was in the second half of the 18th century, specifically in the year 1781. There was an extension through the construction of the southern portal in the 19th century, followed by various repair interventions in the years marked on the triumphal arch inside the church: 1859, 1909, 1912, 1967-1970 with significant changes to the roof structure, and 1999 with comprehensive repairs to the building.

As for the fortification wall and tower, inscriptions testify that they were constructed (possibly rebuilt) in the first half of the 17th century, and there are two additional vertical extensions on the tower from the 19th century, as well as the construction of an annex at the end of the 19th century to house the access stairs.

The church in its current state preserves numerous original elements, testimonies of the times when it was built, renovated, and repaired (structural elements, commemorative plaques, inscriptions, even a document with historical information in the tower's spire). Through research, hidden paintings beneath plaster/render, a medieval portal embedded in the plaster of the southern portal, the age of wooden elements, old foundations, the possible location of the former medieval parsonage, exceptional artistic wooden components have been discovered. Inside the church, the altar with a copy of the famous Saxon artist Carl Dörschlag after Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper, the pulpit with its lace-like crown, the 1902 organ, and the painted benches with parapets all impress. Last but not least, the baroque vaulted ceilings and their rococo decorations delight our eyes.

Convince yourself of the beauty and uniqueness of the church and visit us in Batoș!

Contact person: curator Ioana Göllner, 0740 931 582, priest Johann Zey, 0747 914 008

The existence of a church in the village can be inferred due to documentation of the payment of papal tributes as early as the first half of the 14th century, and the sanctuary that we can admire today confirms its existence no later than the second half of the same century. By its size, we can interpret the strength of the Batoș community at that time. 

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