Zeno Fodor - on his 90th birthday (RO)


20 may 2024
The Liviu Rebreanu Company is honoured to organise a Zeno Fodor tribute event on the occasion of his 90th birthday at the end of this month. During the event, the poet and publicist Valentin Marica will present the book "Theatre and Film Writings", as well as other volumes with translated plays by Zeno Fodor, and then the actors Dan Rădulescu and Costin Gavază will present the reading performance "The Venom of Theatre" by Rudolf Sirera Turó (translated and adapted by Zeno Fodor), directed by Mihai Lungeanu.
The event will take place on Monday 20 May at 18.00 in the Sala Mică and admission is free. 

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