Visit Mures Castles Cycling Tour - 2nd edition


16 june 2024
Visit Mures Castles Cycling Tour - 2nd edition

Location: Pekry-Radak Castle, 𝗢𝘇𝗱, 𝗷𝘂𝗱. 𝗠𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘀̦
Date: 16 june 2024
Time: 09:00 a.m.

After last year's success, Visit Mures organizes again the Tour of the castles in Mures county, done by bike.
The event aims to promote the route of the castles on the territory of Mures county and at the same time sustainable tourism, using alternative means of transport, such as bicycle and train. At the same time, the proposed route is designed to encourage the development of a network of tourist services around the castles, so as to attract as many tourists as possible to the county.
The Mures Valley is a particularly valuable area in terms of built heritage, often compared to the Loire Valley in France. Even if some castles have not had a favourable fate over the years, we consider such an event an important step in our mission to raise awareness about the huge tourist potential of these architectural jewels.
Please note, that although this is a public event, the number of participants is limited to 30 people,  and the journey will be made by bicycle on public roads with road traffic.

🏰 Ozd - Pekry-Radák castle
🏰 Cuci - Degenfeld Castle
🏰 Iernut - Kornis-Rákóczi-Bethlen Castle
🏰 Ogra - Haller Castle
🏰 Sânpaul - Haller Castle
🏙 Return to Târgu Mureș

The tour starts at 9.00 am in front of Pekry-Radák Castle in Ozd.

Free participation.

Registration for the organised tour can be done using the form below:

We will be back soon with more details. 

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