
"Uncle Vanea" is one of the plays considered a landmark for the well-known author Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

Originally published in 1898 and staged for the first time ten years later at the Moscow Art Theatre, the Russian playwright's text tells the story of Professor Aleksandr Vladimirovich Serebriakov and his family.
The professor, now on his second marriage, brings his much younger wife, Elena Andreevna, to the estate he owns. Here live Ivan Petrovich Voinitsky, uncle Vanea, the brother of the teacher's first wife, who manages the estate, Sonia Aleksandrovna Serebriakov, the teacher's daughter from his first marriage, and Maria Vasilevna Voinitsky, the mother of the teacher's first wife.

Among the other characters in the text is Mihail Lvovici Astrov, the local doctor, a regular guest of the house.
At the Serebriakov estate, apparently nothing happens, characteristic of the Chekhovian world, but at the same time, so much is happening in the minds and souls of the characters. Sonia is deeply in love with Astrov, but she does not consider herself worthy of him. Astrov and Vanea are in love with the charming Elena. Everyone lives in their own world, trapped in boredom and lack of confidence. All hidden thoughts eventually come out, however, without much altering the rules of such a universe.

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