
2 - 31 july 2024
Every TUESDAY – July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 2024
10:00 AM-12:00 PM – FORTIFIED CITY: Fortresses Then and Now // ORATIO, STUDIO ET COLLECTIO: School, Then and Now // THE WORLD THROUGH PLAY: Cult of the Dead in the Roman Empire // Celebrations in the Roman Empire // Crafts, Then and Now
Roman Limes Research Center: 2 Avram Iancu St.
Registrations – 0747.773.299
Max. 25 places for children aged 5-12
The program addresses in parallel the customs, traditions, or activities carried out in different historical periods, relatively closer to our days, present in the museum's exhibitions, with how they took place during the Roman Empire. Community defense, learning, crafts, festivals, and celebrations, burial customs, all existed then as they do now, but with their own particularities.

Every WEDNESDAY – July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 2024
10:00 AM-11:30 AM - Museum/Múzeum/Museu // Stained Glass/Comic Book // Secrets of the Palace // Modeling Workshop // Discover the Art Galleries (Quiz + Activities)
Palace of Culture: 1 Victory Square.
Registrations: 0726.600.565,
At the Palace of Culture and the Art Section, vacation is treated accordingly: we learn, but we also have fun! We explore and discover the charm of the Palace of Culture and the Art Galleries through interactive methods, play, and practical workshops.

Every THURSDAY – July 4, 11, 18, 25, 2024
10:00 AM-12:00 PM - Tree of Life - in Traditional Furniture Painting // I Lost a Little Handkerchief - Sewing Workshop // From Craftsman to Craft - Stories with Chisel and Hammer // Beekeeping, a Sweet Occupation - about Hives, Bees, and Honey.
Ethnography and Folk Art Section: 11 Trandafirilor Square
Registrations: 0265.250.169,
Max. 20 places for children aged 5-12
About the "Tree of Life" painted on traditional furniture; the motifs sewn on handkerchiefs; how to create different objects by learning the story of wood, carving, sculpting, using a chisel and hammer; how beekeeping (bee hunting) was practiced - we invite you, children, to find out from the skilled craftsmen we have invited to the Ethnography and Folk Art Section in Târgu-Mureș, 11 Trandafirilor Square, on Thursdays in July, starting at 10:00 AM.

Every FRIDAY – July 5, 12, 19, 26, 2024
10:00 AM-12:00 PM - Cicadas - Singing Insects // The Muskrat // Dinosaurs from Romania // Wings in the Night - Owls
Natural Sciences Section: 24 Horea St.
Registrations – at the museum or by phone: 0740.189.067 (Tuesday – Thursday 09:00 AM – 01:00 PM)
Max. 25 places for children aged 6-12
A group of fascinating insects – cicadas, a unique mammal – the muskrat, amazing dinosaurs (from Romania), and last but not least, some descendants of these reptiles – magnificent birds of prey, owls – invite you on an exciting journey where you will discover the diversity of animals in the living (or extinct?) world. Where? At the Natural Sciences Section! We also invite you to use your skills and imagination to discover this diversity of the world.

1 workshop = 10 lei / participant
Access is based on prior reservation. The participation fee can be paid at the entrance before the workshop.

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