The Tempest (RO)


7 april 2024
"We are made of what dreams are made of, and life... short... is surrounded by sleep."
"It is said that there is a fine line between - reality and dream, happiness and sadness, good and evil, light and dark - and that this constant journey between extremes is what we call... life. Just because we can remove an evil doesn't mean we must or that it's always right to do so - because good cannot exist without evil, and sometimes reality cannot exist without a dream - as we see in the world of Prospero - one of the most impressive and enigmatic characters in William Shakespeare's work.
But who is Prospero really? A wronged ruler condemned to a cruel death? A grieving father for whom reality is too harsh? The actor who, through the power of his art, transports us to another world? The director who turns everything from the imaginary into the real? The author who created this universe...? Why does it have to be one thing?
The Storm, one of the last plays written by the great playwright, is a tragicomedy of the highest order in the way it blends the tragic and the comic, and this new adaptation and vision offers a thrilling experience - 12 actors create a world, very close to you, and invite you to dream along with them. Will you follow them?"
Nicolas Cristache

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