Concert Analia Selis- TANGO AUTÉNTICO


ANALIA SELIS and her guests from Argentina present to the Romanian audience the national tour "TANGO AUTÉNTICO."
Analia Selis will celebrate alongside the audience in Târgu Mureș on May 20, starting at 8:00 PM at Republic Hub. The recital, in a trio format, offers the audience a repertoire that combines famous Argentine tangos such as "El choclo," "Nostalgias," or "Milonga de mis amores," alongside pieces of Romanian interwar tango, such as "Nunuțo," "What are you doing tonight?", "You have no idea."
Alongside Analia Selis, two guests from Argentina will take the stage, highly appreciated in the world of tango: JULIÁN CAEIRO (piano and musical arrangements) and DAMIÁN FORETIC (bandoneón).
The Tango Auténtico tour brings Argentine tango to the Romanian audience alongside Romanian interwar tango, with a fresh air, in an authentic vision of the most passionate musical genre. It is the gift I want to offer to the country and the people who have adopted me.

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