Tamás Dénes: The Lake - Book Launch


18 april 2024
On April 18, 2024, Thursday, starting at 5 PM, at the Gemma Book Café in Târgu Mureș, the author TAMÁS DÉNES from Sepsiszentgyörgy will present his novella titled "The Lake." The event's guest speaker will be CODĂU ANNAMÁRIA, a critic.

Tamás Dénes was born in 1975 in Réty, and he is a teacher at the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania in Csíkszereda, specializing in communication studies. His published works include: "Honfoglaló esszék" (Conquest Essays) in 2013; "Minden Egész" (All Whole) in 2016; "Az élő ház" (The Living House) in 2019; "Rémegyszerű versek" (Tremulously Simple Poems) in 2020; "Könyvjelzők" (Bookmarks) in 2020.

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