
Written in 1932, the play "Take, Ianke și Cadâr" by Victor Ion Popa has stood the test of time and has become one of the most popular and staged interwar texts in Romanian dramatic literature. The story of the three small merchants - a Romanian, a Jew and a Turk - whose monotonous tranquility is disturbed by a personal dilemma, redefines inter-ethnic and, in depth, interpersonal relations. Against the backdrop of global social tensions caused by the phenomenon of migration and the sometimes strained and politically fueled relations between ethnic minorities and the majority population, "Take, Ianke and Cadâr" formulates questions and proposes current answers in a humorous manner, in which human weaknesses are treated with an ironic indulgence, and the possibilities of negotiation through mutual understanding are highlighted with fine intelligence.
Victor Ion Popa's play will delight the audience with the freshness of its charm and will offer a new benchmark of humanity in a society that too often is quick to accuse before trying to understand the position of its neighbor. Will love win in the end? It remains to be seen in the version proposed by the "Liviu Rebreanu" Company of the National Theater in Târgu Mureş.

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