Party (HU)


17 & 18 may 2024
Sławomir Mrożek: Fun
Directed by Attila Keresztes
On 17 and 18 May at 7 pm, the company will present Sławomir Mrożek's MULATSÁG in the Underground Hall of the theatre.
The 18 May performance will be staged as part of the Night of Museums. Tickets are not available for the performance, which can be purchased online at the following link:
In addition to the wristband, advance reservations are required at the theatre box office or by calling 0365.806-865. Reserved tickets may be redeemed at the box office by presenting the wristband until 7 p.m. Friday, May 17.
The event is co-organised by the Mures County Council and the Mures County Museum.
This rarely performed play by the Polish playwright will be staged by Attila Keresztes, with a unique cast of one woman and one man.
Zsolt László Bartha, Kristóf B. Németh, Balázs Varga, Noémi Kádár, Bora Kiss, Andrea Varga.
Director: Attila Keresztes
Set and costume designer: Lokodi Aletta

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