Nostalgia Radio (HU)

Nostalgia Radio
Choreographer: FEHÉR FERENC
FEHRENFRÉHEN PERIET, FÉHREIN PERCENTRE (FÉHÉR) Who doesn't want to go back to the past and relive a little of their youth or any memory? Nostalgia Rádió takes you back to the 70s and 80s, to the heyday of free love, no control and no parents, just DANCE.
Berencsy Martin
Bence Dull
Hunor Fazakas
Flór Máté Gellért
Botond Jánosi
Levent Kitay
Anna Torner
students of the 1st year of the Master of Arts in Acting
The performance is recommended for spectators over 18 years of age.
Choreographer: FEHÉR FERENC
FEHRENFRÉHEN PERIET, FÉHREIN PERCENTRE (FÉHÉR) Who doesn't want to go back to the past and relive a little of their youth or any memory? Nostalgia Rádió takes you back to the 70s and 80s, to the heyday of free love, no control and no parents, just DANCE.
Berencsy Martin
Bence Dull
Hunor Fazakas
Flór Máté Gellért
Botond Jánosi
Levent Kitay
Anna Torner
students of the 1st year of the Master of Arts in Acting
The performance is recommended for spectators over 18 years of age.