Night of the Museums


18 may 2024
INCUBATOR13 opens its doors for the Night of the Museums, offering 10 hours full of activities for all ages.

We have prepared a diverse program, with workshops for children and adults, exhibitions of suiseki and recycled wood, and an evening of live sessions with DJs, instrumental artists, and more. It's going to be quite a night!

16:00 - 18:00 - Workshops (registration required)
Little Graphic Designer – Trainer Andrei Suciu - Workshop for children
Impro Time – Trainer Rareș Budileanu - Workshop 12+

16:00 – 22:00 – Exhibitions
Exhibition of recycled art – Reborn from wood – Demeter Janos
Exhibition – Suiseki Art – Toth Csaba

22:00 – 02:00 – Jamming with the DJ – live session with DJs, instruments, and voices (guests: various local artists)
Location: Gate Tower, Medieval Fortress Tg. Mureș
Entry to all events is free
Workshop registrations:

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