Folk Dance Meeting (HU)


2 august 2024
On Friday, August 2, 2024, starting at 17:00, the eighth edition of the Dances of the Nyárádmente Folk Dance Meeting will be organized, which will provide an opportunity for the folk dance and folk music loving community and audience of Mures County to meet!
This year, 15 ensembles will take part in the meeting, performing a wide variety of choreographies for the audience!
Representing Nyárádszereda are the youth ensembles of the Bekecs Dance Theatre:
Little Playhouse (Rábaközi);
Rábácska (Rabaèka, Rabaèka);
Morzsa Bekecs NTE (Fucci);
Small Bekecs NTE (Fucci);
Small Bekecs NTE (Kalocsa);
Young Bekecs NTE (Sasovian);
Aranyos NTE (Küküllőmenti).
Representing Târgu Mures:
Cseperedő Borsika NTE (Nyárádmenti);
Borsika Central Group (Magyarpalatka);
Borsika Nagy Group (Cyclades).
Representing Jobbágytelke:
Jobbágytelki NTCS (jobbágytelki).
Kibéd represented by:
Kibédi NTCS (felcsíki).
Representing Backamadaras:
Kincses NTE (Somogyi).
Teremiújfalu represented by:
Nagy Búzavirág NTE (Szek).
Represented by:
Sóvirág NTE (Somogyi).
Music: the Tokos Band.
Let this festival be a GREAT meeting of lovers and cultivators of folk dance, folk music and folk traditions with local interests!

Întâlnirea de dansuri populare va avea loc în cadrul Festivalului Nyárádmente! Pentru punctele din program care încep după ora 16, intrarea spectatorilor este posibilă doar cu brățară!
Informații despre modalitatea de achiziționare a biletelor puteți găsi la următorul link:

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