The Beautiful Reed Maiden - the Folk Dance Workshop of Odorheiu's fairytale play


20 february 2024
The Beautiful Reed Maiden 

a theatrical play based on the tale of Benedek Elek -
I have a beloved,
In the green garden of my heart!
Radiant, slender like a reed,
With a heavenly smile!"I will not marry until I find the most beautiful princess in the world!" - says the little prince with true faith. In his soul, there is ONE melody, on his flute ONE song plays when he sets out to find the most beautiful princess hidden in the reed.
We embark on this journey together to find the one who lives in our dreams, to find her amidst the struggles, and to attain eternal happiness. Alongside the little prince, we leave the secure family nest, face wolves and dragons, and together, we rescue our accomplice from the witch's spell: our pearl. But to get there, we must embark on a journey.
So, we warmly invite both young and old on this vast journey to strengthen ourselves, illuminate ourselves, and clarify ourselves as we pass through the stages of the world created on stage. Nourishing ourselves from the eternal wisdom of tales, we acknowledge that when we find our true harmonious note, Order smiles at us from both the sky and the earth.
In each of us, the Seed lives, a wheat seed!
May this Eye, an eye of wheat until the end, be our bread!
Costumes: Kriszta Kis
Composer: Szabolcs Molnár
Dramaturge, assistant to the director: Boglárka Prezsmer
Director-choreographer: László Ivácson
I have a beloved,
In the garden of the sun.
She is my true part,
my pearl, my companion, my treasure.

Date: February 20, 2024, 10:00 and 12:00
Location: Maros Art Ensemble's auditorium
Reservations: 0757 059 594

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