MIORIȚA - Folklore Show (RO)


22 may 2024
The Professional Artistic Ensemble "Mureșul" from Târgu Mureș invites you to a spectacle aimed at involving you in the musical and choreographic approach of a masterpiece of Romanian literature: Miorița.
The play and the game of life, the exploration of pseudo-uncertainty, the presumption of an uncertain ending, the struggle for wealth and possessions, the lack of denouement, and the open ending offered by the epic thread of the Ballad Miorița, a masterpiece of Romanian literature, represent for the Professional Artistic Ensemble "Mureșul" from Târgu Mureș, an artistic challenge, a scenic materialization of a possible life situation derived from pastoral existence, a transposition into song and dance of what the author of the ballad intended to convey to future generations. We await you eagerly!

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