Literary Games of Látó - An Evening with the Author Péter Nádas


21 may 2024
An Evening with the Author Péter Nádas
Literary Games at Látó 123.
The guest of the 123rd edition of Literary Games at Látó is Péter Nádas, one of the most outstanding contemporary authors in Hungarian literature, with a world-class reputation, the author of paradigm-shifting and defining works such as "The End of a Family Chronicle," "The Book of Memories," "Parallel Stories," or "The Detailed Particulars." The starting point of the evening on May 21 is his latest novel, "Horror Stories," published in 2022 - but since every work by Nádas has a certain totalizing ambition, the discussion will inevitably expand. Vital themes of life such as freedom and power, instinct, desire, sensory perception and knowledge, spirituality and reality, violence and society will be addressed, along with the writer's approach, the beauty of writing as a vocation, world-building and language, genres and literary types, the relationship between locality and universality. This provides the opportunity for acquaintance and rediscovery for literature lovers in Târgu Mureș with an outstanding body of work and its author.
Moderator: Codău Annamária, literary critic, editor at Látó
Location and time: Studio Theatre, May 21, 2024, Tuesday, 5:00 PM
Sponsor: Petőfi Cultural Agency

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