A multitude of fruit flavors


It is hereby announced that the finest fruit products of Transylvania are sought after!
For the first time, we are organizing together with the Panter Association and Visit Maros, in Maros County, Mezőpanit, the Feast of Fruit Flavors, where we welcome the finest syrup and jam specialties from local producers, which will be evaluated by professional juries!
The deadline for submitting samples is March 29th, and the conditions for participation include two jars of jam/syrup per sample, ranging from 250 to 500 ml each. The jars must include the owner's name, address, and phone number, as well as the ingredients and the vintage.
The registration fee is 25 lei per sample, which can also be paid by bank transfer to account RO87 BTRL RONC RT06 5718 5701.
Registration is possible at the following link: https://forms.gle/xQvzN8g5J1iCne7L7
Collection points:
▪️ Covasna County, Sepsiszentgyörgy, Olt Street No. 17, Andrea Szász, 0742180278
▪️ Harghita County, Csíkszereda, Petőfi Sándor Street No. 36, Tamás Rancz, 0755827414
▪️ Harghita County, Székelyudvarhely, Solymossy Street No. 31, Helyénvaló Local Store, Erzsébet Bara, 0742911616
▪️ Mureș County, Erdőszentgyörgy, Rhédei Klaudia Square No. 12, Eszter Józsa, 0740162139
▪️ Mureș County, Marosvásárhely, László Sikó, 0741512473
▪️ Mureș County, Mezőpanit Municipality, Ildikó Kovács, 0753084894

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