The love of three oranges


Recommended for children aged 5 and older

Iuliu Pop-Andrieș
Mariana Iordache
Cristi Bratu
Mioara Topor
Claudiu Banciu
Alice Bratu
Claudiu Ardelean
Cornel Iordache
Set design: Eugenia Tărăşescu-Jianu
Music: Zeno Apostolache
Director: Georgeta Lozincă

"The Love of the Three Oranges" is a show built in the style of commedia dell'arte, with a clear, playful story. The puppets have a unique expressiveness, and the adventures of Prince Tartaglia and the antics of the buffoon Trufaldino capture attention and win the sympathy of the audience.
Starting from: 9:30 and 11:00 

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