Jester for a Day at Count Dracula's Court (RO)


Jester for a Day at Count Dracula's Court

The scenario "Jester for a Day at Count Dracula's Court" maintains the central theme of Commedia dell'Arte, that of forced marriage. Here, the fulfillment of love between Giulianna and Count Dracula-Magnifico of Transylvania becomes impossible due to Signora Pantaleona-Tepes, Dracula's mother, who represents the supreme authority, extremely abusive.

Fortunately, our two heroes can rely on their loyal servants, Arlecchino and Enalena, who will do everything in their power to bring them together. A whole suite of interesting characters will parade before you - the witch specializing in Japan, other vampire doctors, and all these are added to other specific elements of Commedia Dell'Arte (cross-dressing, pantomime, fencing, acrobatics, singing, and dancing). Everything is resorted to in order to bring the lovers together. But will it be enough?

Love for power or the power of love: which will triumph? Come join us to find out!

Count Dracula Magnifico of Transylvania - Alex Gabera
Sorinela-Giulianna - Sorina Melean
Arlecchino - Andreia Cîmpanu
EnaLena - Elena Vari
Pantaleona Țepeș - Alexandra Avram
Pantalone - Ștefania Buftea
Doctor Tudorici Vampirovici - Tudor Meșter
Captain Meleanor - Sorina Melean
Mezzettino - Vlad Grecu
The Witch - Adriana Burlacu
Zanni - Ștefania Buftea
Brighella - Diana Bîrsan

Scenario and direction: Bianca Holobuţ
Assistant director: Dragoş Stoenescu
Set design: Krisztina Bács and Aurel Asanache
Masks: Andrea Cavarra by ZorbaOfficineCreative
Choreography: Cristina Iuşan-Olar
Musical preparation: Daniela Neamț and Sántha Huba József

The show will take place in the inner courtyard of the University of Arts (6 Koteles Samuel Street).

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