Advent Candle Lighting 2024
Following the traditions of previous years, this year we warmly invite everyone to the main square of Miercurea Nirajului, in front of the Bocskai statue, where, on the Sundays of Advent, starting at 4:30 PM, the candles on the Advent wreath will be lit.
The religious services will be held by:
- Advent I (December 1): Bakó Csongor István, Roman Catholic priest of Miercurea Nirajului
- Advent II (December 8): Csalóka Ernő, pastor of the Reformed Congregation of Nyárádandrásfalva and Nyárádszentanna
- Advent III (December 15): Tőkés Attila, pastor of the Reformed Congregation of Miercurea Nirajului
- Advent IV (December 22): Jakab Emese, pastor of the Unitarian Church of Jobbágyfalva and Miercurea Nirajului
Let’s light together the candles on the Advent wreath in Miercurea Nirajului and experience the joy of anticipation together!!!