Heje-huja vigalom (HU)


12 february 2024
'Heje-huja vigalom'
Carnival performance by the Maros Art Ensemble
As we enter the new year, the most fun time of the year begins: carnival, a time of fun and games, of stories told in spinning, of pranks and jokes. Let's turn the world inside out and bid farewell to winter and look forward to a spring that renews everything.
In our humorous, hilarious show we combine authentic folk dances with carnival folk customs and traditions.
Dance leaders Szabolcs-Zoltán Kovács and Magda Kásler
Band leader: István Moldován-Horváth
Director: Attila Barabási-Csaba
Date: 12 February 2024, 19:00
Venue: auditorium of the Mures Art Ensemble
Advance reservation by calling 0757 059 594.

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